Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Who are our Participants?

Some of our participants include the following
and working individuals :-

Senior Sales Manager - divorced for 5 years (Male - 40+)
Accountant of a public listed company - divorced for 4 years (Male- 50+)
Business woman - divorced less than 3 months (Female - 50+)
Insurance Agent - divorced for more than 6 years (Female - 50+)
Business Development Manager - separated more than 14 months (Male - 40+)
Teacher - separated for more than 2 years (Female - 50+)
Secretary - separated less than 1 year (Female - 30+)
Kindergarten Principal - divorced for more than 7 years (Female - 50+)
Sales Engineer - divorced for 5 years (Male - 40+)